Think of it as if GoFundMe met lobbying – that’s exactly what we do! At Proeli, we enable stand-up citizens like you to take control of lobbying through the magic of crowdfunding!
Congress is currently considering passing a bill that would prohibit our government from taking the human costs of greenhouse gas emissions into account when making decisions about energy and environmental policy. This is a serious anti-health measure, and extremely harmful for all of us. Citizengage has allowed our team to crowdfund $62,000 to hire lobbyists to contest this bill in the legislative process.
Arizona should be a place where we can embrace our differences and show respect to everyone, even those we might not agree with. This movement has been successful in lobbying to veto SB 1062 through the power of individual donors and Citizengage’s partnered lobbyists!
If this bill is passed, it would make 393 million legal gun owners federal felons for wanting to protect their lives and liberties. This is simply unconstitutional, and targeting those who own guns. We find it horrendous that the house is even attempting to pass this bill, at such a contentious period in all of our lives.
Presented By Shanice Knox
This Movement Is Currently
In The Fundraising Stage.
Goal: $150,000 to fight Texas House Bill 2 (HB 2) Abortion Restrictions
Presented By Parth Pahuja
This Movement Is Currently
In The Fundraising Stage.
Recent legislation and campus policies are severely restricting students’ constitutional right to peaceful protest on college campuses. The End Woke Higher Education Act and similar measures threaten to undermine fundamental First Amendment rights that are essential to academic freedom and democratic discourse.
Presented By Grant Thompson
This Movement Is Currently
In The Working With Lobbyists Stage.
We, the undersigned, are calling for a modest increase in the Department of Labor’s budget to address the severe backlog in PERM processing. Current DOL resources are insufficient to meet the demand for labor certifications, which has resulted in prolonged wait times and increasing uncertainty for individuals pursuing lawful employment-based immigration pathways.
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